
# Dialog

# Default

Documentation Vuesax 4.0+

These documents refer to the latest version of vuesax (4.0+), to see the documents of the previous versions you can do it here 👉 Vuesax 3.x

It generates a Dialog with the vs-dialog component, this component is very customizable since it provides a slot to put and make any type of interface to the user's need

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# Type

You can easily create the most common types of dialogs such as Alert, Confirm or Prompt using the different slots for the structure of the header,default, footer dialog

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# loading

Add a loading animation to the dialog with the loading property

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# Not close

You can remove the close button with the not-close property

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# Scroll

There are cases where you need a scroll because there is a lot of information within the dialog for this you can use the scroll property

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# Overflow Hidden Body

If you need to remove the page scroll when opening the dialog you can do it with the overflow-hidden property

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# Not Padding

If you need to remove the padding from the dialog to make a more personalized interface you can do it with the not-padding property

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# Nested Dialogs

You can nest as many vs-dialog as you need without problem

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# full Screen

If you need the dialog to be the total window size you can do it with the full-screen property

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# blur

You can add a blur style to all the elements behind the dialog with the blur property, this functionality depends on the css property backdrop-filter

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# Square

Change the dialog style by removing the border radius and making it rectangular

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# Prevent Close

With the prevent-close property you do not close the dialog by clicking outside or pressing the esc key

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Property Type Values Description default Example More
v-model Boolean truefalse Determine if the dialogue is visible or hidden. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog v-model="active">
not-center boolean true.false By default the header centers the elements, with this property the centering is eliminated. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog not-center v-model="active">
width String px Determine the width of the dialog. Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog width="550px" v-model="active">
loading Boolean truefalse Add a loading animation to the dialog. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog loading v-model="active">
not-close Boolean truefalse Remove the close button from the dialog. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog not-close v-model="active">
scroll Boolean truefalse Makes the content a maximum high and gives the possibility to overflow the content add scroll. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog scroll v-model="active">
overflow-hidden Boolean truefalse When the dialog is opened, the page scroll is deleted. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog overflow-hidden v-model="active">
auto-width Boolean truefalse It makes the dialog have an automatic width to its content. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog auto-width v-model="active">
not-padding Boolean truefalse Eliminates the padding of the base elements of the dialog. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog not-padding v-model="active">
full-screen Boolean truefalse Makes the dialog the size of the window. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog full-screen v-model="active">
blur Boolean truefalse Makes all elements blur when the dialog opens. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog blur v-model="active">
square Boolean truefalse Remove the border radius from the dialog. false Usage Open Close
<vs-dialog square v-model="active">
prevent-close Boolean truefalse It makes the dialog cannot be closed by clicking outside or by pressing the esc key. false Open Close
<vs-dialog prevent-close v-model="active">
v-on:close Methods function return function when closing the dialog. Open Close
<vs-dialog @close="handleClose" v-model="active">


Property Type Values Description default Example More
slot name slot texto descriptivo. Usage Open Close
Last Updated: 3/3/2020, 3:21:13 AM